A brain implantable microsystem with hybrid RF/IR telemetry for advanced neuroengineering applications

Autor: Yoon-Kyu Song, William R. Patterson, Christopher W. Bull, David A. Borton, Yanqiu Li, Arto V. Nurmikko, John D. Simeral, John P. Donoghue
Rok vydání: 2007
Zdroj: Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual International Conference. 2007
ISSN: 2375-7477
Popis: A prototype cortical neural interface microsystem has been developed for brain implantable neuroengineering applications, featuring hybrid RF (radio- frequency) inductive and IR (infrared) optical telemetries. The system is aimed at neural recording from primates by converting cortical signals to a digital stream of IR light pulses, while acquiring clock signal and electrical power through RF induction. The implantable unit employs a flexible LCP (liquid crystal polymer) substrate for integration of analog, digital, and optoelectronic components, while adapting to the anatomical and physiological constraints of the environment. An ultra-low power analog CMOS chip, which includes preamplifier and multiplexing circuitry, is directly flip-chip bonded to the microelectrode array to form the immediate cortical neuroprobe device. A 16-channel version of the probe has been tested in various in-vivo animal experiments, including measurements of neural activity in somatosensory cortex of a rat.
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