Cloning and Selfing Affect Population Genetic Variation in Simulations of Outcrossing, Sexual Sea Stars

Autor: Maria Byrne, Michael W. Hart, Jonathan D. Allen, Vanessa I. Guerra
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: The Biological bulletin. 241(3)
ISSN: 1939-8697
Popis: Many sea stars are well known for facultative or obligate asexual reproduction in both the adult and larval life-cycle stages. Some species and lineages are also capable of facultative or obligate hermaphroditic reproduction with self-fertilization. However, models of population genetic variation and empirical analyses of genetic data typically assume only sexual reproduction and outcrossing. A recent reanalysis of previously published empirical data (microsatellite genotypes) from two studies of one of the most well-known sea star species (the crown-of-thorns sea star; Acanthaster sp.) concluded that cloning and self-fertilization in that species are rare and contribute little to patterns of population genetic variation. Here we reconsider that conclusion by simulating the contribution of cloning and selfing to genetic variation in a series of models of sea star demography. Simulated variation in two simple models (analogous to previous analyses of empirical data) was consistent with high rates of cloning or selfing or both. More realistic scenarios that characterize population flux in sea stars of ecological significance, including outbreaks of crown-of-thorns sea stars that devastate coral reefs, invasions by Asterias amurensis, and epizootics of sea star wasting disease that kill Pisaster ochraceus, also showed significant but smaller effects of cloning and selfing on variation within subpopulations and differentiation between subpopulations. Future models or analyses of genetic variation in similar study systems might benefit from simulation modeling to characterize possible contributions of cloning or selfing to genetic variation in population samples or to understand the limits on inferring the effects of cloning or selfing in nature.
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