Strategi Internasionalisasi Perguruan Tinggi: Studi Multikasus pada Universitas Islam Malang dan Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

Autor: Abdul Muis Daeng Pawero
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Journal of Islamic Education Policy; VOL 2, NO 1 (2017)
ISSN: 2528-0295
Popis: Internationalization of private colleges at UN/SMA and UMM with the discussion ocusing on (1) internationalization strategies, (2) factors supporting internationali­ zation, and (3) challenges of internationalization at UN/SMA and UMM. This study used a qualitative approach with multiplecase study design. Data were collected using deep interviews, observations and documentation. The results show that inter­ nationalization strategies at both universities consist of two dimensions, namely inter­ nal strategies and external strategies. Internal strategies at both universities are insti­ tutionnal responses in the form of internal college-comprehensive policies that are significant from an organizational prespective. External strategies in the two unive­ rsities are actions of internationalization in a well refined plan. These actions come after both universities formulate the vision, mission and/or their strategic plans of internationalization.
Databáze: OpenAIRE