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Based on studies of substrates for mulching raspberry varieties Veresnevi zori revealed the following: for mulching with straw or sawdust, the onset of the phenological phases of raspberry plants occurs later, compared to the cultivation without mulching; a greater number of root shoots and shoots are provided by growing raspberries without mulching, but a higher shoot height (133.2 cm) and shoot shoots (123.9 cm) distinguishes the straw mulch variant; the maximum yield of raspberry berries of the Veresnevi zori variety is provided by mulching with sawdust - 94.5 c/ha, which is 3.1 c/ha more than straw mulching and by 16.9 c/ha the control variant. The share of ripe berries in the yield by mulching sawdust increases to 81.5%, which is 4.4% more compared to straw mulching and 9.1% more compared to the control variant; the highest average weight of berries and maximum weight of 5 berries was obtained by mulching raspberries with sawdust; for raspberry mulching with sawdust, the profitability of raspberry berries production is the highest -258.9% and 4.3% less than straw mulching. The results of the work are recommended to be used during research and in practice. Key words: Raspberry; Variety; Yield; Mulching substrate; Economic efficiency References Burmistrov A. D. (1985). Berry cultures/A. D. Burmistrov. Leningrad: Agropromizdat, 275 p. Barabash O. Yu. (20008). Raspberry // Vegetable and fruit-growings: Textbook/[Barabash O.Yu., Tsiz O.P., Leontiev O.P., Gontar V.T.]. - K .: Higher school. P. 482-485. Burmistrov A. D. (1995). Berry cultures/A.D. Burmesters. L.: Agropromizdat, 115 p. Dusheyko A. P. (2003). Economic-biological appraisal of new and perspective sorts of raspberries in the conditions of the forest-steppe in Ukraine: Dis. Cand. ag.-cult. sciences: 06.01.07/National Agrarian University. K., 162 p. Dmitrieva L. (2018). The ripe raspberries and the prospects of the Alpine strawberries/L. Dmitrieva // Fruit-and-vegetable growing. July-August. P. 45-47. Dmitrash O.I. (1999). Growing of remontant raspberries to extend the term of consumption of fresh berries/O.I. Dmitrash, V.S. Markovsky // Gardening: interagency thematic scientific collection. - K.: Harvest, 48. P. 88-94. Moiseychenko V.F. (1992). Fundamentals of scientific research in fruit growing, vegetable growing, grapes growing and picking technologies for fruit and vegetable production/V.F. Moiseychenko - K.: NVK VO, 364 p. Mazur, V.A., Didur, I.M., Pantsyreva, H.V., Telekalo, N.V. (2018). Energy-economic efficiency of growth of grain-crop cultures in the conditions of right-bank Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine. Ukrainian Journal of Ecology. Volume 8. �?? 4, 26–33. Mazur V. A., Didur I. M., Pantsyreva H. V., Telekalo N. V. (2018). Energy-economic efficiency of growth of grain-crop cultures in the conditions of right-bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. Ukrainian Journal of Ecology, 8(4): 26-33. (in Ukraine). Mazur, V.A., Mazur, K.V., Pantsyreva, H.V., Alekseev, O.O. (2018). Ecological and economic evaluation of varietal resources Lupinus albus L. in Ukraine. Ukrainian Journal of Ecology, 8(4), 148-153 (in Ukraine). Mazur, V.A., Mazur, K.V., Pantsyreva, H.V. (2019). Influence of the technological aspects growing on quality composition of seed white lupine (Lupinus albus L.) in the Forest Steppe of Ukraine. Ukrainian Journal of Ecology, 9(1), 50-55. Mazur, V.A. (2018). Primary introduction assessment of decorative species of the lupinus generation in Podillya. Scientific Bulletin of UNFU, 28(7), 40–43. https://doi.org/10.15421/40280708 (in Ukraine). Mazur, V.A., Vdovenko, S.A., Pantsyreva, H.V., Palamarchuk, I.I. (2018). Effectiveness of the application of soil milling in the growing of the squash (Cucurbita pepo var. giraumontia) in the right-benk forest stepp of Ukraine. Ukrainian Journal of Ecology, 8(4), 1–5. Methodology of economic and energy appraisal of types of fruit-bearing plantations, pomological sorts and results of technological research in horticulture/Ed. O.M. Shestopal. K.: Institute of Horticulture of UAAS, 2002. - 133 p. Kashin V.I. (1995). Scientific fundamentals of adaptive horticulture/V.I. Kashin // M .: Kolos., 335c. Pantsyreva, H.V. (2019). Morphological and ecological-biological evaluation of the decorative species of the genus Lupinus L.. Ukrainian Journal of Ecology, 9(3), 74-77. Dospekhov B.A. (1985). Field experiment technique/B.A. Dospekhov - Moscow: Agropromizdat, 35 p. Bounous D. (1986). Come e dove coltivarli mi nostril ambenti/D. Bounous // Jerra e vita. 26. P. 36-47. Banshy S. (1986). Niehtore zahranicne shusenosti z pestovania malin/S. Banshy // Zahradnictvo, 11. 397 p. Yaroslavtsev V.I. (2003). Raspberry and Blackberry/V.I. Yaroslavtsev - Moscow: Publishing House of SMEs, 144 C. |