Squash injury to the internal carotid artery

Autor: S. Nightingale, D. J. Sherlock, J. D. Hamer, T. I. M. Gardecki
Rok vydání: 1987
Zdroj: European Journal of Vascular Surgery. 1:285-287
ISSN: 0950-821X
DOI: 10.1016/s0950-821x(87)80080-4
Popis: Non-pene t r a t ing injuries of the carot id a r te ry are ra re bu t have been apprecia ted for over a cen tu ry 1 and subsequent reviews have accumula t ed approx imate ly one -hundred cases. 2, 3 Whils t the ma jo r i ty are associa ted wi th forceful t r auma , infrequent ly these injur ies follow mild t r a u m a to the neck and can have a p ro tean mode of presenta t ion . 2 The deve lopment of such an in ju ry in a y o u n g m a n whi ls t p laying squash is described and the pa thophys io logy discussed.
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