Optimizing the HSX Stellarator for Microinstability by Coil-Current Adjustments

Autor: M.J. Gerard, B. Geiger, M.J. Pueschel, A. Bader, C.C. Hegna, B.J. Faber, P.W. Terry, S.T.A. Kumar, J.C. Schmitt
Přispěvatelé: Science and Technology of Nuclear Fusion
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2023
Zdroj: Nuclear Fusion, 63, 056004
Nuclear Fusion, 63(5):056004. Institute of Physics
ISSN: 0029-5515
Popis: The optimization of helically symmetric experiment (HSX) for reduced microinstability has been achieved by examining a large set of configurations within a neighborhood of the standard operating configuration. This entailed generating a database of more than 106 magnetic-field configurations for HSX by varying the currents in external coils. Using a set of volume-averaged metrics and gyrokinetic simulations, this database has helped to identify a set of configurations that can be used to regulate trapped-electron-mode stability in HSX. This set of configurations is also found to correlate flux-surface elongation and triangularity with an increase in magnetic-well depth, an increase in rotational transform, and low neoclassical heat-flux relative to the standard quasi-helically-symmetric configuration. These results demonstrate sensitivity of plasma behavior in response to changes in a 3D magnetic field to both neoclassical and gyrokinetic models, and the experimental potential in HSX to explore turbulence optimization. This perturbative optimization approach is not unique to HSX, and can readily be deployed on existing fusion devices to identify novel magnetic-fields to be used in turbulence-optimization experiments.
Databáze: OpenAIRE