Supplementary Data from Neutrophil Extracellular Traps Drive Mitochondrial Homeostasis in Tumors to Augment Growth

Autor: Samer Tohme, Richard L. Simmons, Tai Sheng, Allan Tsung, David L. Bartlett, David A. Geller, Sruti Shiva, Patricia Loughran, Hai Huang, Hongji Zhang, Dirk J. van der Windt, Alexander J. Comerci, Eva Roy, Hamza O. Yazdani
Rok vydání: 2023
Popis: Supplementary Figure 1: Contains result showing 1) PCR analysis of the hypoxic cancer cells showed an elevated mRNA expression of neutrophil attractant chemokines 2) Increased in neutrophil cell migration in the presence of cancer hypoxic media 3) Increased levels of HMGB1 in both mice and human hypoxic cancer cell lines; Supplementary Figure 2: Contains result showing 1) Immunofluorescence imagining of TOM20 in the tumor tissue of mice treated with DNAse and NEi. 2) Decreased in mitochondrial DNA assay and ATP levels in DNAse/NEI treated mice. 3) Western blot analysis of mitochondrial biogenesis associated genes (PGC-1α, NRF1 and TFAM) showed decreased expression in NET depleted tumors. 4) Increased in the number of mitochondria in NET treated MC38 cells observed by TME. 5) Increased in the staining of neutrophil elastase in human CRLM tissue. 6) Immunofluorescence imaging indicated release of NE during NET formation: Supplementary Figure 3: Contains result showing 1 and 2) Protein expression for PGC-1a, NRF1, TFAM and phosphorylated p38 were observed in a control and TLR4 siRNA transfected cells. 3) Increased mitochondrial masss observed in cancer cell treated with rNE or NETs observed by Mitotracker staining. 4 and 5) Flowcytometry and MTT analysis showed an increase in the proliferation of cancer cells after treating with either NETs or rNE; Supplementary Figure 4: Schematic diagrams of the proposed role of NETs in the tumor growth.; Supplementary Material and Methods
Databáze: OpenAIRE