Meaningful and experiential learning in a fascial approach in practice education in the degree of physiotherapy: A pilot study at a Spanish University

Autor: María De la Casa Almeida, Carmen M. Suárez Serrano, Elena Guichot Muñoz
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Physiotherapy theory and practice.
ISSN: 1532-5040
Popis: A pilot experience of teaching innovation was developed in the masotherapy practice classes of the University of Seville's degree of physiotherapy using an active learning approach.Significant experiential learning-specific teaching strategies were implemented to address learning style diversity and promote dynamic participation, active listening, and the creation of clinical simulation learning environments.The strategies implemented included establishing an affective climate in the classroom that would encourage interaction among participants, facilitating the flow of information and the teaching-learning process, considering students' previous ideas, elaborating upon content maps and key questions to guide the teaching-learning process, establishing discussions favoring student brainstorming, using illustrations and videos ("visual thinking"), implementing experimental demonstrations and simulated clinical scenarios, and collaborative activities mediated by information and communication technology.The evaluation, which was developed using a questionnaire (pretest-posttest) that allowed the development of learning ladders and considered the complexity of the generated knowledge, revealed significant advances in student learning.The implementation of significant experiential learning-specific teaching strategies is useful for achieving the learning objectives of this subject. Further research is needed to conclude firmly in this regard.
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