Autor: Nuzul Vebryanto Idar, Romy Talanipa, Erich Nov Putra Razak, Fathur Rahman Rustan
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Media Konstruksi : Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Sipil; Vol 7, No 2 (2022); 67-76
ISSN: 2503-2712
DOI: 10.33772/jmk.v7i2
Popis: The availability of clean water is very important for human life, because clean water is the main need. For this reason, it is very important to plan a clean water supply system. LaKarinta Village, Lohia District, Muna Regency, has a clean water network and distribution system that has been installed in the community to overcome the problem of water shortages. However, the installation of the clean water network system did not work. This study entitled "Evaluation of Clean Water Needs and Piping Distribution Networks in Lakarinta Village, Lohia District, Muna District".The purpose of this research is to find out what is the water discharge (Q) of Lake Motonuno, in Lakarinta Village, to find out the need for clean water in Lakarinta Village in 2020-2029 which can later be used to meet clean water needs and to find out the diameter and number of pipes needed in planning a clean water distribution system in Lakarinta Village, Lohia District, Muna Regency.The source of water that is utilized is the Motonun lake spring. The clean water network system that is planned is to use a pump so that it can flow water to a reservoir that has an elevation higher than the elevation of the spring. Furthermore, using the force of gravity to distribute community water. The clean water network system is planned to be able to meet the needs of clean water until 2029. The flow rate of the lake's spring water, which is measured in the field using the buoy method, is 0.06762 m detik / second or 67.62 liters / second. The need for clean water is calculated based on the projection of the population using the least-square method. From the calculation results, the need for clean water in Lakarinta Village in 2029 with a population of 965 people reaches 1,966 liters / second. The transmission pipe dimensions are 4 inch, pipe diameter 2 inch and 1 1/2 inch. EPANET 2.0 software is used to design a clean water network systemAbstrakKetersedian air bersih sangat penting bagi kehidupan manusia. Karena air merupakan kebutuhan umum. Untuk itu sangat penting direncanakan suatu system penyediaan air bersih. Desa lakarinta kecamatan lohia kabupaten muna. Masyarakat untuk mengatasi masalah kekurangan air bersih yang telah terpasang dimasyarakat untuk mengatasi masalah kekurangan air. Namun pemasangan system jaringan air bersih tersebut ternyata tidak berfungsi.Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui berapa debit air (Q) danau Motonuno, di Desa Lakarinta, mengetahui kebutuhan air bersih di Desa Lakarinta pada tahun 2020-2029 yang nantinya dapat di gunakan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan air bersih serta mengetahui diameter dan jumlah pipa yang di butuhkan dalam perencanaan sistem distribusi air bersih di Desa Lakarinta, Kecamatan Lohia Kabupaten Muna.Sumber air yang dimanfatkan adalah mata air danau motonun. System jaringan air bersih yang direncanakan yaitu dengan menggunakan pump agar bisa mengalirkan air ke reservoir penampung yang memiliki elevasi lebih tinggi daripada elevasi sumber mata air. Selanjutnya memanfaatkan gaya grafitasi untuk menyalurkan air kemasyarakatan. Sistem jaringan air bersih direncanakan dapat memenuhi kebutuhan air bersih sampai tahun 2029. Debit mata air danau motonunoberdasrakan pengukuran dilapangan menggunakan metode pelampung adalah 0,06762 m5/detik atau 67,62 liter/detik.
Databáze: OpenAIRE