Synthesis, characterisation, and catalytic evaluation of hierarchical faujasite zeolites: milestones, challenges, and future directions

Autor: Javier Pérez-Ramírez, P. Verolme, J. Van Aelst, Nicolas Nuttens, Roel Locus, Danny Verboekend, J. C. Groen, Bert F. Sels
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Chemical Society Reviews, 45 (12)
ISSN: 1460-4744
Popis: Faujasite (X, Y, and USY) zeolites represent one of the most widely-applied and abundant catalysts and sorbents in the chemical industry. In the last 5 years substantial progress was made in the synthesis, characterisation, and catalytic exploitation of hierarchically-structured variants of these zeolites. Hererin, we provide an overview of these contributions, highlighting the main advancements regarding the evaluation of the nature and functionality of introduced secondary porosity. The novelty, efficiency, versatility, and sustainability of the reported bottom-up and (predominately) top-down strategies are discussed. The crucial role of the relative stability of faujasites in aqueous media is highlighted. The interplay between the physico-chemical properties of the hierarchical zeolites and their use in petrochemical and biomass-related catalytic processes is assessed.
Chemical Society Reviews, 45 (12)
Databáze: OpenAIRE