Nanoindentation mapping of multiscale composites of graphene-reinforced polypropylene and carbon fibres

Autor: Miguel A. Monclús, Araceli Flores, Patricia Enrique-Jiménez, Roberto Guzman de Villoria, Horacio J. Salavagione, Susana Quiles-Díaz, Juan P. Fernández-Blázquez, Fernando Ania, Marián A. Gómez-Fatou
Přispěvatelé: Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (España)
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
ISSN: 2013-4789
Popis: The local mechanical properties of hierarchically reinforced laminates of graphene-isotactic polypropylene (iPP) and carbon fibres are investigated by nanoindentation. Carbon fibre fabrics are alternated with films of iPP reinforced with different graphene contents and types (pristine and modified with iPP brushes). The distribution of the mechanical data obtained around one isolated carbon fibre at the boundary with the polymer layer is compared with a similar analysis far away from any fibre. In the case of neat iPP, a high E′ tail can be identified with a micrometre-sized interphase showing distinct properties from those of the polymer matrix. With increasing amount of graphene, the E′ distribution including the high E′ tail progressively shifts to higher values. It is suggested that graphene platelets accumulate at the front of the ply due to the filtering effect of the carbon fibres giving rise to a transition region, superimposed on the interphase, with enhanced properties. Nanoindentation studies reveal that the chemical modification of graphene by short-chain iPP lowers the reinforcement of the nanofiller, both near and far away from the fibres front. On the other hand, indentation push-in tests suggest that modified graphene increases the resistance of the laminate under shear stress conditions. However, from the point of view of overall performance, it lowers the electrical conductivity across the laminate. The work offers a discussion of the role of graphene type and content on the properties of the multiscale composite.
Financial support from MINECO (Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad), Spain, under grants MAT2013-47898-C2-1-R, MAT2013- 47898-C2-2-R and MAT2017-88382-P is gratefully acknowledged. PEJ and SQ also acknowledge MINECO for a FPI fellowship. We are also indebted to the Department of Crystallography (IQFR, CSIC) for providing Xray diffraction facilities. Authors wish to thank Dr. Nuria García (ICTPCSIC) for profilometry measurements and Mr. David Gómez of the Characterization Service of ICTP-CSIC, for SEM studies.
Databáze: OpenAIRE