Probing electron-electron interaction along with superconducting fluctuations in disordered TiN thin films

Autor: Sachin Yadav, Vinay Kaushik, M. P. Saravanan, Sangeeta Sahoo
Rok vydání: 2023
Zdroj: Physical Review B. 107
ISSN: 2469-9969
Popis: Here, we demonstrate an interplay between superconducting fluctuations and electron-electron interaction (EEI) by low temperature magnetotransport measurements for a set of 2D disordered TiN thin films. While cooling down the sample, a characteristic temperature T* is obtained from the R(T) at which superconducting fluctuations start to appear. The upturn in R(T) above T* corresponds to weak localization (WL) and/or EEI. By the temperature and field dependences of the observed resistance, we show that the upturn in R(T) originates mainly from EEI with a negligible contribution from WL. Further, we have used the modified Larkins electron-electron attraction strength beta(T/Tc), containing a field induced pair breaking parameter, in the Maki-Thompson (MT) superconducting fluctuation term. Here, the temperature dependence of the beta(T/Tc) obtained from the magnetoresistance analysis shows a diverging behavior close to Tc and it remains almost constant at higher temperature within the limit of ln(T/Tc) < 1. Interestingly, the variation of beta(T/Tc) on the reduced temperature (T/Tc) offers a common trend which has been closely followed by all the concerned samples presented in this study. Finally, the temperature dependence of inverse phase scattering time , as obtained from the magnetoresistance analysis, clearly shows two different regimes; the first one close to Tc follows the Ginzburg-Landau relaxation rate , whereas, the second one at high temperature varies almost linearly with temperature indicating the dominance of inelastic electron-electron scattering for the dephasing mechanism. These two regimes are followed in a generic way by all the samples in spite of being grown under different growth conditions.
7 Figures and 7 Figures in Supplemental Material; Accepted for publication Phys. Rev. B
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