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Rover traverse distances are increasing at a faster rate than downlink capacity is increasing. As this trend continues, the quantity of data that can he returned to Earth per meter traversed is reduced. The capacity of the rover to collect data, however, remains high. This circumstance leads to an opportunity to increase mission science return by carefully selecting the data with the highest science interest for downlink. We have developed an onboard science analysis technology for increasing science return from missions. Our technology evaluates the geologic data gather by the rover. This analysis is used to prioritize the data for transmission, so that the data with the highest science value is transmitted to Earth. In addition, the onboard analysis results are used to identify science opportunities. A planning and scheduling component of the system enables the rover to take advantage of the identified science opportunity. Although our tcchniqucs arc applicable to a wide range of data modalities, our initial emphasis has focused on image analysis, since images consume a large percentage of downlink bandwidth. We have further focused our foundational work on rocks. Rocks are among the primary features populating the Martian landscape. Characterization and understanding of rocks on the surface is a first step leading towards more complex in situ regional geological assessments by the rover. |