Analisis Keyakinan Tentang Matematika Dan Pengetahuan Konten Pedagogik Matematika Calon Guru Matematika

Autor: Muhyidin, Kholil, Ekawati, Rooselyna, Sofro, A'yunin
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Jurnal Ilmiah Soulmath : Jurnal Edukasi Pendidikan Matematika; Vol. 10 No. 1 (2022): In Progress (4/7); 1-8
Jurnal Ilmiah Soulmath : Jurnal Edukasi Pendidikan Matematika; Vol 10 No 1 (2022): In Progress (4/7); 1-8
ISSN: 2581-1290
DOI: 10.25139/smj.v10i1.3939
Popis: This study aims to determine whether there is a relationship between beliefs about mathematics and mathematics pedagogical content knowledge possessed by mathematics teachers on the ratio material and explanations of prospective teachers' mathematics pedagogic content based on the beliefs about mathematics drawn. This research used by Mixed Method. With a sample of 31 students who took micro teaching courses. from the sample, each subject who has a view on instrumentalist, platonic, and problem-solving mathematics is selected. Data were collected by presenting beliefs, mathematics pedagogical content knowledge tests, and interviews. Statistical data analysis by using rank-spearman correlation test. The results of research showed that there was no relationship between beliefs about mathematics and mathematics pedagogical content knowledge of prospective mathematics teachers. Prospective teachers mathematics who have a view of instrumentalist and problem solving mastered almost all indicators that exist in the component of mathematics pedagogical content knowledge. Meanwhile, prospective teachers mathematics who have a view of platonic have almost not mastered all the indicators that exist in the component of mathematics pedagogical content knowledge.
This study aims to determine whether there is a relationship between beliefs about mathematics and knowledge of mathematics pedagogic content possessed by prospective mathematics teachers on the ratio and proportion material and to describe the knowledge of mathematics pedagogic content of prospective teachers in terms of their beliefs about mathematics. This study uses a mixed-method with a sample of 31 students who have taken microteaching courses. From the sample, one subject was selected who had a belief in instrumentalist, platonic, and problem-solving mathematics. Data were collected by using belief questionnaires, mathematics pedagogic content knowledge tests, and interviews. Statistical data analysis using rank-spearman correlation test. The results showed that there was no relationship between beliefs about mathematics and mathematics pedagogic content knowledge of prospective mathematics teachers. Prospective teachers who have a belief view of instrumentalist mathematics and problem-solving have mastered almost all of the indicators in the knowledge component of mathematics pedagogic content, while prospective teachers who have a belief in platonic mathematics have almost not mastered all of the indicators that exist in the component knowledge of mathematics pedagogic content. Keywords: analysis, beliefs, mathematics pedagogical content knowledge. Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya hubungan antara keyakinan tentang matematika dengan pengetahuan konten pedagogik matematika yang dimiliki calon guru matematika pada materi rasio dan proporsi serta mendeskripsikan pengetahuan konten pedagogik matematika calon guru ditinjau dari pandangan keyakinan tentang matematika yang dimilikinya. Penelitian ini menggunakan mixed method dengan sampel sebanyak 31 mahasiswa yang telah menempuh mata kuliah microteaching. Dari sampel tersebut dipilih masing-masing satu subjek yang memiliki pandangan keyakinan tentang matematika instrumentalis, platonis, dan problem solving. Data dikumpulkan dengan teknik pemberian angket keyakinan, tes pengetahuan konten pedagogik matematika, dan wawancara. Analisis data statistik menggunakan uji korelasi rank-spearman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada hubungan antara keyakinan tentang matematika dan pengetahuan konten pedagogik matematika calon guru matematika. Calon guru yang memiliki pandangan keyakinan tentang matematika instrumentalis dan Problem solving menguasai hampir semua indikator yang ada pada komponen pengetahuan konten pedagogik matematika, sedangkan calon guru yang memiliki pandangan keyakinan tentang matematika platonis hampir belum menguasai semua indikator yang ada pada komponen pengetahuan konten pedagogik matematika. Kata Kunci : analisis, keyakinan, pengetahuan konten pedagogik matematika
Databáze: OpenAIRE