Correlation Between Hsp90 Induction Kinetics In Murine Leukemia Cells And The Amount Of Cisplatin Over A Wide Range Of Cytostatic Concentrations

Autor: Konstantin Grancharov, Nadejda Spassovska, Angelina I. Russinova, Roumiana Detcheva, A. Kenderov, Kolyo G. Kolev
Rok vydání: 2002
Zdroj: Zeitschrift für Naturforschung C. 57:407-412
ISSN: 1865-7125
DOI: 10.1515/znc-2002-3-434
Popis: The induction of HSP90 in murine erythroleukemia cells, clone F4 N, by cisplatin (DDP) was examined using indirect immunofluorescence and avidin-biotin technique, and compared with cisplatin cytotoxicity. A reverse dependence of HSP90 induction time was found on a wide range of cisplatin concentrations (0.5D10 μᴍ), which proved to be cytostatic up to 48 h of continuous treatment. Thus, the observed induction pattern of HSP90 in F4 N cells strictly correlated with their high tolerance toward DDP. This indicates that HSP90 might be responsible, at least in part, for cisplatin resistance of F4 N cells
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