Supplementary Table 1, Supplemental Figures 1-5 from Protein Kinase D–Dependent Downregulation of Immediate Early Genes through Class IIA Histone Deacetylases in Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia

Autor: Julio C. Barredo, Ramin Shiekhattar, Felipe Beckedorff, Bin Li, Guy J. Leclerc, Anna Shvab, Guangyan Sun
Rok vydání: 2023
Popis: Supplementary Table 1. Antibodies used in the study Figure S1. AICAR-induced downregulation of IEGs mRNA expression in ALL cells. Figure S2. The mechanism of AICAR-induced IEGs downregulation is AMPK-independent. Figure S3. The PKC inhibitor GF109203X suppresses IEGs expression in ALL cells. Figure S4. PKD inhibition downregulates IEGs transcription in ALL cells. Figure S5. The PKD inhibitor CRT synergizes with regorafenib and dexamethasone in ALL cells.
Databáze: OpenAIRE