MOESM3 of Skeletal light-scattering accelerates bleaching response in reef-building corals

Autor: Swain, Timothy, DuBois, Emily, Gomes, Andrew, Stoyneva, Valentina, Radosevich, Andrew, Henss, Jillian, Wagner, Michelle, Derbas, Justin, Grooms, Hannah, Velazquez, Elizabeth, Traub, Joshua, Kennedy, Brian, Arabela Grigorescu, Westneat, Mark, Sanborn, Kevin, Levine, Shoshana, Schick, Mark, Parsons, George, Biggs, Brendan, Rogers, Jeremy, Backman, Vadim, Marcelino, Luisa
Rok vydání: 2016
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.c.3598085_d4
Popis: Additional file 3: Figure S3. $$ \mu ^{\prime}_{{S,m}} $$ μ S , m ′ and temperature- and light-induced bleaching response. $$ \mu ^{\prime}_{{S,m}} $$ μ S , m ′ -specific temporal rate of F v /F m change (ΔPE ∼ Δ2(F V /F M )/(ΔtΔI)) after stress-initiation is expressed as (a) the difference between CT and HT conditions (Eq. 3) for corals exposed to HL (filled circles; p = 0.22) and CL (open circles; p = 0.44), isolating the effect of temperature on bleaching response, and (b) ΔPE for HL and HT conditions (p = 0.07), where both temperature- and light-dependent bleaching response is evaluated. Although $$ \mu ^{\prime}_{{S,m}} $$ μ S , m ′ predicts light-dependent bleaching (r2 = 62.3 and p = 0.007, Fig. 1g), it is a weak predictor of temperature-dependent bleaching and light- and temperature-dependent bleaching.
Databáze: OpenAIRE