Дослідження причин всихання деревостанів ялиці білої (Abies Alba Mill.) в Українських карпатах

Autor: V. K. Zaika, V. Yа. Zayachuk, O. O. Pogribnyy, Yu. I. Shalovylo, I. M. Kopolovets, Yu. M. Yusypovych, R. V. Ostashuk
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Науковий вісник НЛТУ України, Vol 28, Iss 8, Pp 9-13 (2018)
ISSN: 2519-2477
Popis: The typological role of white fir in the Ukrainian Carpathians was studied. The nature of dying of the fir trees in the Carpathian region was determined and described. The map of distribution of the drying centers of white fir on the territory of the NNP "Hutsulshchyna" has been drawn. Twenty five model trees in three most common types of forest based on different trees age, completeness, altitudes, and slope exposures were selected there in order to determine the causes of fir trees drying. The research was carried out on infested by stem nematodes trees, as well as on trees with the signs of bacterial and fungal infection. As a result of the analysis, no stem nematodes were detected. With the application of PCR analysis of the total DNA from stem wood, we established that most of the identified fungi belong to the genus Fusarium. In some wood samples we could clearly see the bacterial lesions and beside the Fusarium, the DNA of Heterobasidion parviporum also was detected. Symptoms of infection are similar to bacterial dropsy, i.e. watery excretion at the stem base, characterized by sour smell. The causative agent of bacteriosis is gram-negative moving bacilli, which are microbiologically similar to E. carotovora. In the wood of control trees, which were growing on the same plot and did not show any signs of infection, none of the potentially pathogenic bacteria were detected. We have not revealed the presence of phytopathogenic fungi by PCR-approach in healthy trees. In the upper layers of the soil and forest floor, picked up at the loci of fir drying, no phytopathogenic fungi were detected. A number of measures have been proposed to prevent the spreading of white fir drying and to eliminate its consequences. Among other fir trees, we have found a potentially resistant fir, which may have a natural immunity to infectious disease. Potentially resistant trees should be left to form a resistant offspring which later could be used as a material for a natural regeneration. It is necessary to make selective sanitary felling in fir trees stands, to increase the proportion of beech stands and other wood species.
Databáze: OpenAIRE