Enciklopedika u Srbiji: u traganju za zavodom

Autor: Mirko Mlakar
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Studia lexicographica : časopis za leksikografiju i enciklopedistiku
Volume 13
Issue 24
ISSN: 1846-6745
DOI: 10.33604/sl.13.24.1
Popis: Razvoj glavnoga dijela enciklopedike u Srbiji, onoga na srpskom jeziku, u ovome je radu predstavljen kroz izdavačka poduzeća i druge organizacije, poput kulturne ustanove Matice srpske, koje se bave proizvodnjom enciklopedičkih djela. Enciklopedičko stvaralaštvo u Republici Srbiji samo je djelomice praćeno institucionalizacijom, premda se od početka XXI. stoljeća, primjerice iz javnoga poduzeća Službeni glasnik, javljaju ideje o osnivanju enciklopedijskoga zavoda, u pravilu po uzoru na Leksikografski zavod u Zagrebu. U članku se razmatraju stajališta i postupci pojedinih poduzeća i ustanova, struke i političkih čimbenika u vezi sa središnjom enciklopedičkom institucijom. Autor ne samo da nudi elemente za ocjenjivanje nekih važnijih enciklopedičkih djela, poglavito Vojne enciklopedije (prvo izdanje 1958–69., drugo 1970–76), nego se dotiče i nekih općih metaleksikografskih i bibliografskih pitanja. Već zbog tipa djelatnosti i izdanja organizacija o kojima piše u ovom radu, autor ulazi i u područje srpske jezične leksikografije.
In this study, the development of the main current of encyclopedism in Serbia, the one in the Serbian language, is presented through publishing companies and other organisations that deal with producing encyclopedias, such as the cultural institution Matica srpska (Matrix Serbica). Encyclopedic work in Republic of Serbia is only partially accompanied by institutionalization, even though the idea of founding an encyclopedic institute modelled after the Institute of Lexicography in Zagreb (Republic of Croatia), such as the one initiated by the Službeni glasnik (Official Gazette) public enterprise, has been present since the start of the 21st century. The article deals with the views and procedures of individual companies and institutions as well as professional and political factors related to the central encyclopedic institution. Not only does the author present elements for the evaluation of some of the significant encyclopedic works, especially the Vojna enciklopedija (Military Encyclopedia; first edition 1958–1969, second edition 1970–1976), but also touches on some of the general questions of metalexicography and bibliography. Due to the type of activities and editions of organizations written about in this work, the author also examines the field of Serbian language lexicography.
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