Fly larvae (Musca domestica) as a protein alternative in the feeding of Macrobrachium tenellum

Autor: Sergio Alonso Martínez-Ramos, Carlos Francisco Sosa-Ferreyra, J. Fernando García-Trejo, Bryan S. Bottini-Cedeño, Jesús Josafat De León-Ramírez
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Latin american journal of aquatic research v.46 n.3 2018
SciELO Chile
Latin american journal of aquatic research, Volume: 46, Issue: 3, Pages: 599-603, Published: JUL 2018
Popis: The present study evaluates the potential of the house fly larvae ( Musca domestica ) as a protein alternative in the feeding of prawns ( Macrobrachium tenellum ). Three feeds were used to evaluate the following response variables: growth rate, survival rate, feed conversion ratio and protein efficiency ratio. The first feed (T 1 ) was a meal obtained after process fly larvae produced in a controlled environment, the second one (T 2 ) was an experimental formulated feed based on the meal obtained, and the third one (T 3 ) was a commercial feed. The feeds were supplied to 216 individuals of M. tenellum , with an initial weight of 0.897 ± 0.007 g for a 60 days period. After 30 days, the experiment results showed that T 2 presented significant differences in promoting the growth and survival of M. tenellum over the other treatments. However, at the conclusion of the study, an improvement was observed for T 3 culminating with no significant differences for T 2 , which suggests that the domestic fly larvae possess nutritional characteristics that make viable the incorporation as a protein source in the formulation of a feed for Macrobrachium tellenum .
Databáze: OpenAIRE