Liolaemus wiegmannii

Autor: Pincheira-Donoso, Daniel, Scolaro, J. Alejandro, Sura, Piotr
Rok vydání: 2008
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6789674
Popis: Liolaemus wiegmannii (Duméril & Bibron) Proctotretus wiegmannii Duméril & Bibron 1837: 284 (type locality: “ Chili ”; probably Carmen del Patagon, about 35 km northwest of the mouth of the Rio Negro, Rio Negro Province, Argentina; see Etheridge 2000); Bell 1843: 15; Duméril & Duméril 1851: 74; Burmeister 1861: 525. Ptychodeira wiegmanni Fitzinger 1843: 73. Leiolaemus wiegmannii Gray 1845: 216. Rhytidodeira wiegmanni Girard 1858a: 198, 1858b: 352. Ortholaemus fitzroii Girard 1858a: 198 (substitute name for wiegmannii, Bell 1843; see also Etheridge & Espinoza 2000). Liolaemus (Ortholaemus) fitzroyi Girard 1858b: 373. Ortholaemus fitzroyi Cope 1862: 351. Liolaemus (Ptychodeira) wiegmanni Steindachner 1867: 37. Liolaemus wiegmannii Boulenger 1885a: 156; Boettger 1893: 61; Amaral 1938: 179; Loveridge 1959: 69; Gallardo 1969: 75, 1977, 1980: 346; Donoso-Barros 1970a: 195; Müller & Steiniger 1978: 429; Cei 1979c: 1, 1986: 198, 1993: 270; Rand 1982: 173; Pereyra et al. 1992: 277; Cruz et al. 1993: 101; Tiranti & Avila 1994: 40; Etheridge 1995: 34, 2000: 310; Martori & Aun 1995: 94; Acosta et al. 1996a: 74; Cabrera 1996: 219; Fitzgerald et al. 1999: 536; Etheridge & Espinoza 2000: 9; Verrastro et al. 2003: 109; Chebez et al. 2005: 36; Sura 2005: 430; Scolaro 2006: 51; Abdala 2007: 44. Liolaemus wiegmani Liebermann 1939: 71. Liolaemus (Ortholaemus) wiegmanni Laurent 1984a: 370; Cabrera & Bee de Speroni 1986: 6.
Published as part of Pincheira-Donoso, Daniel, Scolaro, J. Alejandro & Sura, Piotr, 2008, A monographic catalogue on the systematics and phylogeny of the South American iguanian lizard family Liolaemidae (Squamata, Iguania), pp. 1-85 in Zootaxa 1800 on pages 55-56, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6789337
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