The Peri-Implant and Periodontal Microbiota in Patients with and without Clinical Signs of Inflammation

Autor: Wieland Heuer, Meike Stiesch, Meike Luise Jakobi, Jörg Eberhard, Sascha Nico Stumpp
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Dentistry Journal, Vol 3, Iss 2, Pp 24-42 (2015)
Dentistry Journal
Volume 3
Issue 2
Pages 24-42
ISSN: 2304-6767
Popis: Late implant failures, caused by the inflammation of surrounding tissues are a problem in implant dentistry. The path of bacterial transmission from teeth to implants is not completely understood. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to analyze intraindividual bacterial transmission characterizing subgingival microbiomes in teeth and implants, both in healthy subjects and in those with signs of periodontitis or peri-implantitis. Samples of peri-implant and dental sulcus fluid were collected. To identify the predominant microbiota, amplified fragments of bacterial 16S rRNA gene were separated by single strand conformation polymorphism analysis, sequenced and taxonomically classified. A total of 25 different predominant genera were found in the diseased group and 14 genera in the healthy group. Species richness did not differ significantly between implants, neighboring teeth and teeth with largest probing depth in the diseased group. Additionally, no differences between teeth and implants in the healthy group were detected. In contrast, microbial diversity varied between the different sampling points. Species richness is similar in healthy and diseased sites, but the composition of the bacterial community differed within the individual subjects. The underlying analyses strongly suggest that complete transmission from neighboring teeth to implants is unlikely.
Databáze: OpenAIRE