Interactivity/interpassivity and presence/absence in the Ntrallazzu cycle

Autor: Messina, Marcello, Feichas, Leonardo Vieira
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2020
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4248186
Popis: Ntralllazzu is the title of a cycle of works based on interactive live scores, that reflects on the multifaceted philosophical concepts of liveness and interaction both from a creative point of view and in more critical terms. The work is based on a projected score that interacts in real time with the material played by the performer(s). While one of the performers plays, the sound is fed to and processed by patching software, and generates both electronic sounds and a score, which is to generally, but not necessarily, to be performed by a second player. In this paper, we discuss the ways in which subsequent versions of Ntrallazzu exist in between two fundamental sets of opposites, namely, interactivity/interpassivity and presence/absence.
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