Prediction Models for Assessing Lycopene in Open-Field Cultivated Tomatoes by Means of a Portable Reflectance Sensor: Cultivar and Growing-Season Effects

Autor: Artur Kowalski, Lorenza Tuccio, Kalina Sikorska-Zimny, Ewelina Hallmann, Andrea Azelio Mencaglia, Stanisław Kaniszewski, Anna Grazia Mignani, Giovanni Agati, Leonardo Ciaccheri
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 66:4748-4757
ISSN: 1520-5118
Popis: Reflectance spectroscopy represents a useful tool for the nondestructive assessment of tomato lycopene, even in the field. For this reason, a compact, low-cost, light emitting diode-based sensor has been developed to measure reflectance in the 400–750 nm spectral range. It was calibrated against wet chemistry and evaluated by partial least squares (PLS) regression analyses. The lycopene prediction models were defined for two open-field cultivated red-tomato varieties: the processing oblong tomatoes of the cv. Calista (average weight: 76 g) and the fresh-consumption round tomatoes of the cv. Volna (average weight: 130 g), over a period of two consecutive years. The lycopene prediction models were dependent on both cultivar and season. The lycopene root mean square error of prediction produced by the 2014 single-cultivar calibrations validated on the 2015 samples was large (33 mg kg–1) in the Calista tomatoes and acceptable (9.5 mg kg–1) in the Volna tomatoes. A more general bicultivar and biyear model coul...
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