Enhanced accuracy of the microwave field strength measurement in a CW-EPR by pulsed modulation technique

Autor: Boris Rakvin, Marina Kveder, Dejana Carić
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2018
Popis: The microwave magnetic field strength, B1, in the cavity of a conventional continuous wave electron para- magnetic resonance, CW-EPR, spectrometer was measured by employing modulation sidebands, MS, in the EPR spectrum. MS spectrum in CW-EPR is produced by applying the modulation frequency, xrf, which exceeds the linewidth, dB, given in frequency units. An amplitude- modulated CW-EPR, AM-CW-EPR, was selected as detection method. Theoretical description of AM-CW-EPR spectrum was modified by adding Bloch-Siegert-like shift obtained by taking into account the cumulative effect of the non-resonant interactions between the driving fields and the spin system. This approach enables to enhance the pre- cision of B1 measurement. In order to increase the sensitivity of the method when saturation effects, due to higher intensity of B1, decrease the resolution of AM-CW- EPR spectrum, detection at the second harmonic of CW-EPR has been employed.
Databáze: OpenAIRE