HP1-Assisted Aurora B Kinase Activity Prevents Chromosome Segregation Errors

Autor: Kazuhiko S.K. Uchida, Jennifer G. DeLuca, Kosuke Sako, Youko Hirayama, Abe Yusuke, Kentaro Takagaki, Toru Hirota, Jacob A. Herman
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Developmental Cell. 36:487-497
ISSN: 1534-5807
Popis: Incorrect attachment of kinetochore microtubules is the leading cause of chromosome missegregation in cancers. The highly conserved chromosomal passenger complex (CPC), containing mitotic kinase Aurora B as a catalytic subunit, ensures faithful chromosome segregation through destabilizing incorrect microtubule attachments and promoting bi-orientation of chromosomes on the mitotic spindle. It is unknown whether CPC dysfunction affects chromosome segregation fidelity in cancers and, if so, how. Here we show that heterochromatin protein 1 (HP1) is an essential CPC component required for full Aurora B activity. HP1 binding to the CPC becomes particularly important when Aurora B phosphorylates kinetochore targets to eliminate erroneous microtubule-attachments. Remarkably, a reduced proportion of HP1-bound to CPC is widespread in cancers, which causes an impairment in Aurora B activity. These results indicate that HP1 is an essential modulator for CPC function, and identify a molecular basis for chromosome segregation errors in cancer cells.
Databáze: OpenAIRE