Delving into the Causes and Effects of Entomopathogenic Endophytic Metarhizium brunneum Foliar Application-Related Mortality in Spodoptera littoralis Larvae

Autor: David Montes-Moreno, Pilar Sanz-Barrionuevo, Enrique Quesada-Moraga, I. Garrido-Jurado
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Insects 11(7), 429 (2020)
Helvia. Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad de Córdoba
Insects, Vol 11, Iss 429, p 429 (2020)
Helvia: Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad de Córdoba
Universidad de Córdoba
Volume 11
Issue 7
Popis: The aim of the current study was to delve into the causes of mortality of Spodoptera littoralislarvae feeding on Metarhizium-colonized plants in the absence of fungal outgrowth on the cadaversas previous studies reported and to elucidate the possible indirect effects of this fungus-colonizeddiet. The effect was evaluated in experiments conducted using leaf discs of colonized plants and inplanta using fungus-colonized whole plants. The mortality rates of larvae fed on Metarhiziumcolonizedmelon leaves were 45.0% and 87.5%, and the average survival times were 6.6 and 3.1 daysin experiments performed with discs and in planta, respectively. Notably, these mortality levels werenot associated with observed apoptosis mediated by caspases 1, 3-7 and 8
thus, further investigationinto the possible immune system reaction of the insect after the ingestion of colonized plants isrequired. The leaf consumption of S. littoralis larvae fed on melon-colonized leaves was lower thanthat on control plants in the disc experiments but not in experiments conducted in planta. In thisregard, in experiments performed in planta, plant damage increased larval mortality in both fungallychallenged and control larvae. There was also a meaningful effect of exposure to Metarhiziumcolonizedmelon leaf discs on S. littoralis fitness, with significant reductions in 39.0% and 22.0% infemale fecundity and egg fertility, respectively, detected in females emerging from pupaedeveloping from larvae surviving exposure to colonized plant discs
all larvae died in the in plantaexperiments. Hence, the present work presents new findings revealing the high potential ofendophytic entomopathogenic fungi to improve the outcome of foliar applications against chewinginsects in the short, mid- and long term, by the reduction of the reproductive potential of survivingadults and reveals new insights into the development of bioassays with whole plants for moredetailed evaluation of the impact of these fungi as endophytes used for plant protection.
Databáze: OpenAIRE