Additional file 7 of Strengthening insights into host responses to mastitis infection in ruminants by combining heterogeneous microarray data sources

Autor: Sem Genini, Bouabid Badaoui, Sclep, Gert, Bishop, Stephen C, Waddington, Dave, Marie-Hélène Pinard Van Der Laan, Klopp, Christophe, Cabau, Cédric, Hans-Martin Seyfert, Petzl, Wolfram, Jensen, Kirsty, Glass, Elizabeth J, Greeff, Astrid De, Smith, Hilde E, Smits, Mari A, Olsaker, Ingrid, Boman, Guro M, Pisoni, Giuliano, Moroni, Paolo, Castiglioni, Bianca, Cremonesi, Paola, Corvo, Marcello Del, Foulon, Eliane, Foucras, Gilles, Rupp, Rachel, Giuffra, Elisabetta
Rok vydání: 2020
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.12875307.v1
Popis: Additional file 7:Affected molecular and cellular functions of the most dissimilar genes between E. coli and S. aureus . Five most significant molecular and cellular functions identified with IPA using the 34 most dissimilar genes between E. coli and S. aureus infections in cattle in vivo (experiment 1A, 1B, and 1C), as found with the PAMR software (Table 3). The identified molecular and cellular functions are listed from the lowest to the highest p-value, and are reported with the involved genes. (DOC 40 KB)
Databáze: OpenAIRE