Integrated approach for the quality assessment of freshwater resources in a vineyard area (South Portugal)

Autor: M. M. Chaves, Lia Caetano, Sofia Batista, Emília Silva, Maria José Cerejeira, Sven-Erik Jacobsen
Rok vydání: 2010
Zdroj: Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 176:331-341
ISSN: 1573-2959
Popis: An integrated chemical and biological approach for the quality assessment of freshwater resources in a vineyard area of the 'Alentejo' region (South Portugal) is presented. This includes analysis to 11 pesticide compounds and whole toxicity testing on algae and crustaceans. Simazine, terbuthylazine, terbutryn, desethylatrazine and chlorpyrifos were the most frequently detected pesticides in water collected from wells and drainage channels. Mixtures of up to three compounds in different qualitative combinations were also found. The quality standards for individual pesticides (0.1 μg L(-1)) and pesticides-total (0.5 μg L(-1)) were exceeded in some samples. However, their maximum concentrations were lower than the WHO guidelines, the USEPA health advisory values and the environmental quality standards for priority substances applicable to surface water. In five samples, the herbicides terbuthylazine and terbutryn and the insecticide chlorpyrifos did not pass the toxicity exposure ratio (TER) trigger values specified for aquatic organisms (algae, Daphnia and fish). Maximum toxic effects on Daphnia magna (100%) and Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata (82.56%) were determined in groundwater samples, while in surface water, no toxicity was observed. Concerning effects on Heterocypris incongruens in sediment samples collected at the drainage channels, mortality and growth inhibition values were below 38%. Pro-active management of the use of pesticides is recommended for implementing at the farm and catchment level to reduce inputs into ground- and surface water.
Databáze: OpenAIRE