Toric rings of nonsimple polyominoes

Autor: Akihiro Shikama
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2015
Popis: IntroductionPolyominoes are two dimensional objects which are originally rooted in recre-ational mathematics and combinatorics. They have been widely discussed in con-nection with tiling problems of the plane. Typically, a polyomino is plane figureobtained by joining squares of equal sizes, which are known as cells. In connectionwith commutative algebra, polyominoes are first discussed in [5] by assigning eachpolyomino the ideal of inner 2-minors or the polyominoideal. The study of ideal oft-minors of an m×n matrix is a classical subject in commutative algebra. The classof polyomino ideal widely generalizes the class of ideals of 2-minors of m×n matrixas well ass the ideal of inner 2-minors attached to a two sided ladder.Let P be a polyomino and K be a field. We denote by I
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