Suppression of LO phonon scattering in Landau quantized quantum dots

Autor: A. R. Hollingworth, P. C. Findlay, C. R. Pidgeon, C J G M Langerak, R. T. Kotitschke, C. M. Ciesla, Alistair Rowe, B. N. Murdin, Erich Gornik, R. A. Stradling, H. Pellemans, M. Kamal-Saadi
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 1999
Zdroj: Scopus-Elsevier
Physical Review B, 59, R7817-R7820
Popis: Picosecond time-resolved far-infrared measurements are presented of the scattering between conduction-band states in a doped quasi quantum dot. These states are created by the application of a magnetic field along the growth direction of an InAs/AlSb quantum well. A clear suppression of the cooling rate is seen, from 1012 s-1 when the level spacing is equal to the phonon energy, to 1010 s-1 away from this resonance, and thus the results provide unambiguous evidence for the phonon bottleneck. Furthermore, the lifetimes had only weak dependence on temperature between 4 and 80 K.
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