SSHOC D3.2 Inventory of SSH citation practices, and choice for SSHOC citation formats and implementation planning

Autor: Larrousse, Nicolas, Broeder, Daan, Brase, Jan, Concordia, Cesare, Kalaitzi, Vasso
Přispěvatelé: Athina Papadopoulou, Henri Ala-Lahti, Hervé L'Hours, Birger Jerlehag
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2019
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3595965
Popis: The SSHOC project aims to build the SSH (Social Science and Humanities) part of the EOSC (European Open Science Cloud). One of the main goals of the project is to ensure that SSH will be present in EOSC and that their specifics are taken into account. In this regard, an important point is to be able to give high visibility to the research data used in Social Science and Humanities following FAIR data principles. This can be achieved by fostering “Data Citation” through providing a common mechanism to cite SSH data and build stronger links between data and publications. An expected side effect would be to enhance the reproducibility of SSH research, which is not very common nowadays. In line with these goals, this report delivers an overview of existing data-citing mechanisms intended for citing data, that are currently used in different communities with a focus on the SSH. We then provide some guidelines describing what we think is relevant in the SSHOC context with respect to the technology to be implemented and also about the structuring of the content. This report aims to prepare further work in common with other SSHOC tasks and Work Packages. Currently, we see the following links with other SSHOC tasks: SSHOC task 3.6 will generalise and integrate the CLARIN Language Resource Switchboard (Switchboard) for the infrastructure of the other SSHOC stakeholders. The Switchboard will also make citations human actionable. SSHOC task 5.2 works on a SSHOC version of the DataVerse repository system for the SSH. The citations function in SSHOC DataVerse should align with the recommendations put forward in this document. collaboration in engagement and training activities of WP6; it is essential to be able to give a solid overview of practices and recommendations in the SSHOC training and outreach effort. WP6 will coordinate targeted training in the Social Sciences and Humanities. Appropriate audiences will be targeted for a workshop and a webinar dedicated to “Data Citation principles and practice”. WP7 is creating the future SSHOC Marketplace. This Marketplace will, of course, integrate SSH data sets and associated services. In this respect, a system that allows an extensive scientific description of data, strong identification of provenance and information that makes it possible to associate a relevant tool to a data set and make it actionable, would prove useful. This kind of information should be provided by Data Citation recommendations in cooperation with WP7 and other Work Packages. WP8, more specifically on certification aspects provided by task 8.2, “Trust and Quality Assurance”. Naturally, we should be involved in SSHOC activities whenever citation expertise is called on.
This deliverable has been accepted by the European Commission on - 03 November 2020
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Databáze: OpenAIRE