A Compelling Practice: Empowering Future Leaders in the Medical Humanities

Autor: Aliye Runyan, Katherine Ellington, Andrea Wershof Schwartz
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: Journal of Medical Humanities. 34:493-495
ISSN: 1573-3645
DOI: 10.1007/s10912-013-9240-x
Popis: Medical students and faculty explore the medical humanities for diverse reasons: as a medium for self-reflection, a means to cultivate professionalism and humanism, and a way to gain an appreciation for the broader contexts in which illness and health occur. One important area for development is increasing the exposure of learners and clinicians of various levels of training to the medical humanities and to role models in the field. Student-led programs in the medical humanities at the American Medical Student Association (AMSA) address these needs by offering unique opportunities for learning and sharing experiences. AMSA programs connect physicians-in-training using technology to create virtual communication and learning opportunities. These include monthly book discussion webinars, the Writers' Institute and the Medical Humanities Scholars Program (MHSP).
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