Parameter mapping for the detection of disturbed blood flow

Autor: Katherine W. Ferrara, S. Rosenberg, J. Sokil-Melgar, M. Ostromogilsky
Rok vydání: 1995
Zdroj: Scopus-Elsevier
ISSN: 0301-5629
Popis: Particularly in color flow mapping, the detection of minor stenoses is a significant outstanding challenge. With the goal of spatially mapping changes in velocity and shear rate to locate the source of the flow disturbance, two indicators of the magnitude of the signal correlation are presented and evaluated for known experimental flow conditions. A normalized parameter is presented, which is proportional to the magnitude of the signal correlation evaluated over a set of received pulses. Its performance is compared to that of a single-lag correlation measure for the development of spatial maps that indicate shear rate and velocity.
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