Mouse Embryo Growth in Different Culture Media: Selection of a Medium for Quality Control Cross-Testing of Human in Vitro Fertilization Conditions

Autor: R Vijayakumar, B. Ndubisi, J. Simoni, F. Deleon, W. Heine
Rok vydání: 1987
Zdroj: Archives of Andrology. 19:149-158
ISSN: 0148-5016
Popis: A total of 2070 two-cell mouse embryos were recovered from 89 superovulated female hybrid mice. Six different culture media were tested. The various media supported mouse embryo development as follows (percentage mean +/- SD, n = 10): Hopp and Pitts medium (HP) 87 +/- 5 Dulbecco's modified; Eagle's medium supplemented with 10% (volume/volume, v/v) fetal bovine serum (DMEM) 80 +/- 4; Ham's F-10 +/- 15.0% (v/v) human fetal cord serum (hFCS) 79 +/- 3; Whittingham's T-6 medium (WT-6) 60 +/- 4; Ham's F-10 +/- 7.5% (v/v) hFCS 55 +/- 5; Krebs-Ringer low bicarbonate buffer (KRLBB) 42 +/- 6. In HP, DMEM, WT-6, and Ham's F-10 medium supplemented with hFCS, the pH was maintained within a narrow range of 7.30-7.45 and adequate level of oxygenation was achieved during 72 h in culture. KRLBB had poor buffering capacity and attained ineffective levels of oxygenation during culture. Superior mouse embryo development from two-cells to morulae and hollow blastocysts occurred in HP, Ham's F-10 + 15% hFCS, and DMEM. Ham's F-10 medium supplemented with hFCS is routinely checked for its ability to support mouse two-cell embryo development to morulae and blastocysts. This is done in conjunction with HP medium as the control.
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