Solubilized Cellulose and Dehydrated Potato Extract in Cooked, Low-fat Comminuted Beef

Autor: Paul B. Addis, E. Katsanidis, D. C. Meyer, R. J. Epley, Roger Ruan
Rok vydání: 2001
Zdroj: Scopus-Elsevier
ISSN: 1750-3841
Popis: The optimal level of use of NP-5, a dehydrated potato extract, and solubilized cellulose (SC), a highly functional form of cellulose in a comminuted beef product was determined so what holding capacity (WHC), cooking yield and resistance to rancidity would be maximized. NP-5 was a very effective antioxidant and water binding ingredient at 1.5%. Addition of SC resulted in a more moist product and improved the cooking yield compared to the control. Addition of NP-5 and SC resulted in extended overall storage stability. La teneur optimale d'extrait de pomme de terre deshydratee (NP5) et de cellulose solubilisee dans un produit a base de viande de boeuf hachee est determinee. La capacite de retention d'eau, le rendement a la cuisson, la resistance au rancissement doivent etre maximum. NP5 est un bon antioxydant. L'ajout de NP5 ou de cellulose solubilisee permet d'ameliorer la stabilite du produit.
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