Sustainable Food in Urban Communities Engaging Youth inClimate-Smart Agricultural Program of Pakistan

Rok vydání: 2021
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4589997
Popis: The agriculture sector in Pakistan faces major challenges, including depleting water resources, lack of technological innovation, low-quality seeds, and input supply, among others. Bringing innovative solutions to the growers and helping them achieve sustainable farming is the only option for coping with the challenges of today’s agriculture sector. This paper focused on introduction of climate smart agriculture in Pakistan with emphasis on engaging youth in agriculture which is increasingly being recognized as a critical component of the sustainable development pathway. Worldwide, there is growing concern that young people have become disenchanted with agriculture. About 85% of the young people live in developing countries, where agriculture is likely to provide the main source of income. It is, therefore, vital that young people are actively engaged in agriculture. Though the returns of engaging today’s youth in raising agricultural production by 60% by 2050 (in terms of food security, employment, poverty reduction, and environmental sustainability) so are the challenges. The main natural resources (land, water, biodiversity, ecosystem, etc.) agriculture is dependent upon have been degraded. Climate change is also threatening the sustainability of the rural landscape and already left its marks already. The role of agriculture and family farming in providing livelihood opportunities for rural youth in coming years is undeniable. However, despite the increasing sophistication of the fields of agriculture, food, and nutrition, they are not viewed as attractive by youth in terms of their career choice. Currently, due to low productivity rates and known difficulties faced by previous generations, agriculture is not seen as a viable career path by the majority of the young people. This problem of an unappealing career in agriculture is somehow the same for all the countries in the world. For example, 10% REDUCTION of farmers in Pakistan. Some of the main macro issues related to abstaining youth from agriculture are small landholdings in developing countries, high level of risk attached to agriculture production and marketing, low returns on the investment, discolored image of professional farming, poor infrastructure, lack of access to credit and land, and low level of mechanization and technological backwardness.
Databáze: OpenAIRE