Method of Optimum Synthesis of Reconstructed Broadband Subscriber Access Network

Autor: Kateryna Shulakova, Lesya Nikityuk, Roman Tsaryov, Kateryna Lavreka
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: 2019 3rd International Conference on Advanced Information and Communications Technologies (AICT).
Popis: The proposed method is actual for optimal synthesis of the subscriber access network during its reconstruction in order to ensure broadband availability and accessibility to new services that requiring high transmission rates. The task of reconstructing the subscriber access network using FTTC technology and the equipment of “active cabinets” has been set up and formalized in terms theory of graph. The method for solving the problem is proposed, which ensures the determination of the optimal number of active cabinets in and the achievement of a minimum of the total length of cable routes.
Databáze: OpenAIRE