Reconfigurable magnonic crystals based on imprinted magnetization textures in hard and soft dipolar-coupled bilayers

Autor: Krzysztof Szulc, Silvia Tacchi, Aurelio Hierro-Rodríguez, Javier Díaz, Paweł Gruszecki, Piotr Graczyk, Carlos Quirós, Daniel Markó, José Ignacio Martín, María Vélez, David S. Schmool, Giovanni Carlotti, Maciej Krawczyk, Luis Manuel Álvarez-Prado
Přispěvatelé: National Science Centre (Poland), Agencia Estatal de Investigación (España), Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (España), Principado de Asturias, European Commission, Universidad de Oviedo, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Scopus
Popis: Reconfigurable magnetization textures offer control of spin waves with promising properties for future low-power beyond-CMOS systems. However, materials with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy (PMA) suitable for stable magnetization-texture formation are characterized by high damping, which limits their applicability in magnonic devices. Here, we propose to overcome this limitation by using hybrid structures, i.e., a PMA layer magnetostatically coupled to a low-damping soft ferromagnetic film. We experimentally show that a periodic stripe-domain texture from a PMA layer is imprinted upon the soft layer and induces a nonreciprocal dispersion relation of the spin waves confined to the low-damping film. Moreover, an asymmetric bandgap features the spin-wave band diagram, which is a clear demonstration of collective spin-wave dynamics, a property characteristic for magnonic crystals with broken time-reversal symmetry. The composite character of the hybrid structure allows for stabilization of two magnetic states at remanence, with parallel and antiparallel orientation of net magnetization in hard and soft layers. The states can be switched using a low external magnetic field; therefore, the proposed system obtains an additional functionality of state reconfigurability. This study offers a link between reconfigurable magnetization textures and low-damping spin-wave dynamics, providing an opportunity to create miniaturized, programmable, and energy-efficient signal processing devices operating at high frequencies.
This study has received financial support from the National Science Center of Poland (Projects Nos. UMO-2018/30/Q/ST3/00416, UMO-2018/28/C/ST3/00052, UMO-2019/35/D/ST3/03729, and UMO-2021/41/N/ST3/04478), the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (Project No. PID2019-104604RB/AEI/10.13039/501100011033), and the regional FICYT funding (Grant No. GRUPIN-AYUD/2021/51185) with the support of FEDER funds. The authors acknowledge the technical support provided by Servicios Científico-Técnicos de la Universidad de Oviedo. LMAP and ST acknowledge Italian CNR for financial support from Short Term Mobility Program.
Databáze: OpenAIRE