Additional file 1 of Are pre- and early pregnancy lifestyle factors associated with the risk of preterm birth? A secondary cohort analysis of the cluster-randomised GeliS trial

Autor: Raab, Roxana, Hoffmann, Julia, Spies, Monika, Geyer, Kristina, Meyer, Dorothy, Günther, Julia, Hauner, Hans
Rok vydání: 2022
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.19396149
Popis: Additional file 1: Table S1 Preterm incidence in intervention and control group. Table S2 Characteristics of eligible and included participants. Table S3 Proportions of spontaneous and iatrogenic preterm births. Table S4 Associations between sociodemographic, health and lifestyle factors and the odds of preterm birth – models including linear covariates. Table S5 Associations between sociodemographic, health and lifestyle factors and the odds of iatrogenic preterm birth – models including categorical covariates. Table S6 Associations between sociodemographic, health and lifestyle factors and the odds of iatrogenic preterm birth – models including linear covariates. Table S7 Associations between sociodemographic, health and lifestyle factors and the odds of spontaneous preterm birth – models including categorical covariates. Table S8 Associations between sociodemographic, health and lifestyle factors and the odds of spontaneous preterm birth – models including linear covariates.
Databáze: OpenAIRE