Right hemisphere contribution to lexical access in an aphasic with deep dyslexia

Autor: Timothy Field, Bruce Dobkin, Avraham Schweiger, Eran Zaidel
Rok vydání: 1989
Zdroj: Brain and language. 37(1)
ISSN: 0093-934X
Popis: Three hemifield tachistoscopic studies of a right-handed patient with acquired Broca's aphasia and deep dyslexia, but with intact visual fields, are presented to support the hypothesis of right hemisphere (RH) participation in deep dyslexic reading. A systematic comparison of this deep dyslexic with the disconnected RHs of two patients with complete cerebral commissurotomy disclosed a similar, but not identical, pattern of abilities. The results demonstrate partial reliance on the RH for accessing the meaning of single words, but not for phonological encoding in this patient.
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