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In the average-case $k$-SUM problem, given $r$ integers chosen uniformly at random from $\{0,\ldots,M-1\}$, the objective is to find a set of $k$ numbers that sum to $0$ modulo $M$ (this set is called a solution). In the related $k$-XOR problem, given $k$ uniformly random Boolean vectors of length $\log{M}$, the objective is to find a set of $k$ of them whose bitwise-XOR is the all-zero vector. Both of these problems have widespread applications in the study of fine-grained complexity and cryptanalysis. The feasibility and complexity of these problems depends on the relative values of $k$, $r$, and $M$. The dense regime of $M \leq r^k$, where solutions exist with high probability, is quite well-understood and we have several non-trivial algorithms and hardness conjectures here. Much less is known about the sparse regime of $M\gg r^k$, where solutions are unlikely to exist. The best answers we have for many fundamental questions here are limited to whatever carries over from the dense or worst-case settings. We study the planted $k$-SUM and $k$-XOR problems in the sparse regime. In these problems, a random solution is planted in a randomly generated instance and has to be recovered. As $M$ increases past $r^k$, these planted solutions tend to be the only solutions with increasing probability, potentially becoming easier to find. We show several results about the complexity and applications of these problems, including conditional lower bounds for $r^k \leq M \leq r^{2k}$, a search-to-decision reduction for $M > r^k$, hardness amplification for $M \geq r^k$, a construction of PKE for some $M \leq 2^{\mathrm{polylog}(r)}$, and non-trivial algorithms for any $M \geq 2^{r^2}$. |