Origin of Aluminium in the Raw Drinking Water of Sofia City, Bulgaria

Autor: Irina Angelova, Tony Venelinov, Ivaylo Ivanov
Přispěvatelé: Tony Venelinov, Ivailo Ivanov
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Water, Air, & Soil Pollution. 231
ISSN: 1573-2932
Popis: In recent years, the concentration of aluminium in the Iskar River occasionally exceeds the environmental quality standard (EQS). The river and the Iskar Dam, build on the river, are the main drinking water source of Sofia city (Bulgaria), with population exceeding 1.2 million. The average concentrations of aluminium in the raw water entering the drinking water treatment plants of Sofia city—Bistritza and Pancharevo—in 2018 were 0.148 mg/L and 0.199 mg/L, respectively, which are very close to the limits set in Directive 98/83/ EC. This study uses multifactorial analysis, taking into account the influence of the mineral and chemical composition of sediments of the Iskar Dam, the geological conditions at the dam’s catchment area, the relationship between the aluminium concentrations and precipitation in the region and also the relationship between the aluminium concentration and the turbidity at the inlet of the two treatment plants, to determine the origin of aluminium in the raw drinking water of Sofia city. The obtained linear regression models for the aluminium concentration and the turbidity at the inlet are significant (p ≤ 0.001) with coefficients of determination (R2) for DWTP–Bistritza and DWTP–Pancharevo of 0.54 and 0.51, respectively.
Databáze: OpenAIRE