The effect of genotype on fattening and body development traits of young cattle

Autor: Vlada Pantelić, S. Josipovic, Dušica Ostojić-Andrić, Vladan Bogdanović, B. Miscevic, Stevica Aleksic, M Milan Petrovic
Rok vydání: 2007
Zdroj: Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry
ISSN: 2217-7140
DOI: 10.2298/bah0704031o
Popis: Differences in demonstration of fattening and traits of body development in young cattle from three genotype groups are investigated: Domestic Simmental breed (G1) and its crosses F1 gen. With Limousine (G2) and Charolais breed (G3). Sample included total of 96 heads, 32 in each group. The greatest body mass at birth was realized by Charolais crosses (41,8 kg) and the lowest calves of domestic Simmental breed (40,5 kg), significance of differences established was at the level of p (lt) 0,05. Genotype had significant effect (p (lt) 0.01) on body mass and age at the end of fattening, as well as average life daily gain. Charolais and Limousine crosses at the ages of 446 and 443 days achieved higher body masses at the end of fattening (621 kg and 590 kg) compared to Domestic Simmental breed (477 days and 579 kg). The effect of genotype on traits of body development was highly significant (p (lt) 0.01) for all traits except height to rump (p (lt) 0.05). The highest values of height to withers and rump (131,8 cm and136,1 cm) and cannon circumference (23,1 cm), and the lowest for breast depth (70,8 cm) and breast girth (198,9 cm) were realized by young cattle of Domestic Simmental breed. The most favourable body development from the commercial aspect was realized by Charolais crosses with the highest determined values of breast depth (74,5 cm), carcass length (157,7 cm) and breast girth (202,5 cm). Limousine crosses are characterized by the lowest height to withers and rump (126,7 cm and 134,3 cm), the lowest values of carcass length (155,3 cm) and cannon circumference (21,9 cm), whereas in regard to breast depth (73,5 cm) and girth (202,1 cm) they take intermediary position. Proučavane su razlike u ispoljenosti tovnih i osobina telesne razvijenosti između junadi tri genotipske grupe: domaće simentalske rase (G1) i njenih meleza F1 gen. sa limuzin (G2) i šarole rasom (G3). Uzorkom je obuhvaćeno ukupno 96 grla, po 32 u svakoj grupi. Najveću telesnu masu pri rođenju ostvarili su melezi šarolea (41,8 kg) a najmanju telad domaćeg simentalca (40,5 kg) uz značajnost razlika na nivou p (lt) 0,05. Genotip je ispoljio signifikantan uticaj (p (lt) 0.01) na telesnu masu i starost na kraju tova, kao i na prosečan životni dnevni prirast. Melezi šarolea i limuzina pri manjoj starosti (446 i 443 dana) postigli su veće telesne mase na kraju tova (621 kg i 590 kg) u odnosu na domaću simentalsku rasu (477 dana i 579 kg). Uticaj genotipa na osobine telesne razvijenosti je visoko signifikantan (p (lt) 0.01) za sve osobine izuzev visine krsta (p (lt) 0.05). Najveće mere visine grebena i krsta (131,8 cm i 136,1 cm) i obima cevanice (23,1 cm), a najmanje izraženu dubinu grudi (70,8 cm) i obim grudnog koša (198,9 cm) ostvarila su junad domaće simentalske rase. Najpoželjniju razvijenost sa komercijalnog stanovišta ostvarili su melezi šarolea kod kojih su utvrĐene najveće dubine grudi (74,5 cm), dužine trupa (157,7 cm) i obimi grudi (202,5 cm). Meleze limuzina karakteriše najmanja visina grebena i krsta (126,7 cm i 134,3 cm), najmanja dužina trupa (155,3 cm) i obim cevanice (21,9 cm), dok prema dubini (73,5 cm) i obimu grudi (202,1 cm) zauzimaju intermedijernu poziciju.
Databáze: OpenAIRE