Extramartian forcing of Mars seismicity at Rieger periods

Autor: M. Omerbashich
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2021
ISSN: 0004-6361
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4916793
Popis: Studies of the InSight mission seismic data show preference to higher frequencies, localization (to the Cerberus Fossae region), and annual variation — the features which, combined, are uncharacteristic of earthquakes or moonquakes but are typical of a resonator locked to an external forcer. I here report results from spectral analyses of InSight B- and C-quality marsquakes occurrences. The Rieger period PRg=154 days, as the only 99%-significant spectral peak in the 1–6 months band, indeed dominates this (most energetic) band and is characterized by a very high (>>12) fidelity Φ=2.8·106. PRg is currently one of the commonly reported periodicities in our Solar system, observed in the interplanetary magnetic field and most heliophysics data types during solar maxima. The modular Rieger Type Periodicities: 1/2 PRg and 1/3 PRg, are found also dominating Martian seismicity, at 89%–67% lowered significance levels but with Φ>>12 as well. Therefore, a primary underlying process drives both heliophysics and areophysics, causing the sampled tidal-resonant response. Since PRg is discernable in post-1953 solar activity only (solar cycles 19–24), Mars is tectonically inactive. This observation of the temporary Rieger-forcing extending to Mars indicates an emerging or alternating strong magnetic field, possibly Jovian.
* Supplementary data: https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.14850399 * Paper doublet with https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5069074 * For the expanded composite of this and the accompanying paper's peer-reviewed (revised) versions, see https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2301.10800
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