D5.5 Implementation of QRL algorithm on real architecture

Autor: Marshall, Simon, Chatterjee, Yagnik, Rančić, Marko J., Dunjko, Vedran
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2023
ISSN: 8362-2837
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8108460
Popis: This report is the second deliverable of Task 5.2 - QRL for the inventory management part of the NEASQC project. It describes how we successfully deployed a QRL agent on a real quantum computer to tackle a simplified version of the challenge of inventory management. We describe the setup that solved this problem and examines some interesting conclusions drawn from comparing the real device noise to simulators. We begin by introducing the reader to quantum reinforcement learning as developed within the NEASQC project, and to the inventory management problem we apply our learning algorithm to in Section 2. Section 3 highlights the key insights we gained from our experiments, particularly the importance of noise while training on a simulator and the relative unimportance of the specific noise model. Section 4 goes into the specifics of our methods and results, going into detail, both about how we achieved this learning problem and the conclusions we draw from our experiments.
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