New superintegrable models on spaces of constant curvature

Autor: Joanna Gonera, Cezary Gonera
Rok vydání: 2019
DOI: 10.48550/arxiv.1907.11578
Popis: It is known that the fairly (most?) general class of 2D superintegrable systems defined on 2D spaces of constant curvature and separating in (geodesic) polar coordinates is specified by two types of radial potentials (oscillator or (generalized) Kepler ones) and by corresponding families of angular potentials. Unlike the radial potentials the angular ones are given implicitly (up to a function) by, in general, transcendental equation. In the present paper new two-parameter families of angular potentials are constructed in terms of elementary functions. It is shown that for an appropriate choice of parameters the family corresponding to the oscillator/Kepler type radial potential reduces to Poschl-Teller potential. This allows to consider Hamiltonian systems defined by this family as a generalization of Tremblay-Turbiner-Winternitz (TTW) or Post-Winternitz (PW) models both on plane as well as on curved spaces of constant curvature.
Comment: 33 pages; 3 figures
Databáze: OpenAIRE