Olivella (Niteoliva) minuta : Morch 1852

Autor: Antunes, Luís Vítor Oliveira, Figueira, Raquel, Dilnei de Castro Oliveira, Cléo
Rok vydání: 2022
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7383465
Popis: Olivella (Niteoliva) minuta (Link, 1807) (Figures 1 (i–l), 4) Porphyria minuta Link, 1807: 98 [illustr. Martini 1773: pl. 50, fig. 545]. Voluta nitidula Dillwyn, 1817: 521. Oliva zigzag Duclos, 1835: pl. 2, figs 1–4; Duclos 1844: 5, pl. 2, figs 1–4, 21–24. Oliva caerulea Reeve, 1850: pl. 24, fig. 70a–c. Oliva cyanea Reeve, 1850: Index ii, pl. 24, fig. 70a–c; Marrat 1871: 35, pl. 23, fig. 415. Oliva verreauxii Ducros, 1857: 97, pl. 3, fig. 86a, b. Oliva (Olivella) nitidula: Weinkauff 1878: 115, pl. 3, figs 5–7, pl. 30, figs 9–12. Oliva (Olivella) verreauxii: Weinkauff 1878: 112, pl. 30, figs 1–4. Olivella verreauxii: Marcus and Marcus 1959a: 101, pl. 1, fig. 1, pl. 2, figs 10–13, pl. 3, figs 15, 17–18, pl. 4, fig. 19, pl. 5, fig. 26, pl. 6, figs 30–35, pl. 7, figs 36–37, pl. 8, figs 42–45, pl. 9, fig. 46, pl. 11, fig. 56; Warmke and Abbott 1962: 123, pl. 23, fig. v. Olivella (Niteoliva) verreauxii: Olsson 1956: 191, pl. 9, fig. 3; Altena 1975: 57, fig. 22a, b. Olivella minuta: Mörch 1852: 130; Warmke and Abbott 1962: 123, pl. 23, fig. u; Matthews and Rios 1967b: 116; Odé 1969: 25; Abbott 1974: 235, fig. 2560, pl. 11, fig. 2560; Rios 2009: 274; Paulmier 2015: 12, fig. 19; Petracco et al. 2015: fig. 2. Olivella (Niteoliva) minuta: Olsson 1956: 190, pl. 9, figs 1, 2, 2a, 2b, pl. 12, figs 2, 2a; Vokes and Vokes 1983: 27, pl. 17, fig. 10; Merlano and Hegedus 1994: 204, pl. 63, fig. 794. Geographic distribution. USA, Texas (Abbott 1974), Galveston (Odé 1969). West Indies (Abbott 1974), Puerto Rico (Warmke and Abbott 1962). Colombia (Merlano and Hegedus 1994), Cartagena (Marrat 1871). Suriname (Altena 1975). Brazil, Alagoas, Maceió (Matthews and Rios 1967b); São Paulo, Ubatuba (Marcus and Marcus 1959a); São Sebastião (Petracco et al. 2015). –Present study: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Cabo Frio, Conchas beach and Forte beach; Arraial do Cabo, Forno beach; Niterói, Itaipu beach. – Non-verified records: Mexico, Campeche, Isla del Carmen (Garcia-Cubas 1981). Puerto Rico, San Juan (Dall and Simpson 1900). Costa Rica, Limón, Portete and Puerto Moin (Robinson and Montoya 1987), Punta Cocles (Sevilla et al. 2003). Aruba and Curaçao (De Jong and Coomans 1988). French Guiana (Le Loeuff and von Cosel 2000). Brazil, Ceará, Trairí, Caucaia, Icapuí, and Fortaleza (Meirelles and Matthews-Cascon 2003; Araújo and Rocha-Barreira 2012); Rio Grande do Norte, Macau (Queiroz and Dias 2014); Bahia, Camamu (Ourives et al. 2011). From Abrolhos Archipelago to Rio de Janeiro (Benkendorfer and Soares-Gomes 2009). Examined material BRAZIL – Rio de Janeiro State • 62 specimens, 1 ♂, 1 ♀; Cabo Frio, Praia das Conchas; 27 August 2016; IBUFRJ 21231 • 107 specimens; Cabo Frio, Praia do Forte; 29 August 2016; IBUFRJ 21233 • 38 specimens, 2 ♂, 4 ♀; Arraial do Cabo, Pria do Forno; 28 August 2016; IBUFRJ 21230 • 16 specimens, 2 ♂, 2 ♀; Niterói, Praia de Itaipu; 7 April 2016; IBUFRJ 21232. Description Shell (Figure 1 (i–l)). Length, 10 mm, elliptical to globose; spire conical, low; last whorl broad, about 80% of shell length. Protoconch small, smooth, with single whorl. Suture narrow, channelled. Parietal callus white, well developed, spreading through fasciolar region. Aperture narrow, about 45% of shell length; outer lip thin, internal surface smooth; siphonal channel deep; pillar structure white, elevated, widened anteriorly, narrow close to inner lip, 8–10 oblique plicae; fasciolar band white, bordered by posterior groove. Columella present. Operculum elliptic, chitinous, very thin, translucent. Shell colour: yellowish, with darkened, continuous, subsutural strip, first whorls darker, in shades of brown, brown zigzagging lines in last whorl, non-pigmented area below subsutural pigmented zone. Anatomy (Figure 4). Auricle oval, about 1/5 of ventricle length. Ventricle elongated, constricted near auricle, lateral groove deep. Aorta anteriorlly connected to ventricle. Osphradium about 16% of pallial cavity area, curved near siphon, central groove larger near siphonal aperture, lamellae compacted, rounded to bilobate, involving central axis. Gill broad, about 23% of pallial cavity area, anterior end curved towards osphradium, lamellae well spaced, triangular, apexes slightly arched towards rectum. Hypobranchial gland absent. Anal gland about 6% of pallial cavity area, irregular in shape, granulated. Posterior mantle lobe small, laminar, rounded to triangular. Posterior mantle tentacle tapered, as long as shell, inserted near pallial cavity aperture, anteriorly to mantle lobe. Siphon long, tapered, margins smooth. Anterior mantle tentacle laminar, tapered, shorter than siphon, base wide, surrounding siphon. Male specimens: prostate short, slender, without expansions, crossing pallial cavity towards penis. Female specimens: glandular complex about 7% of pallial cavity area, compact, granulated, internal ampoule dark coloured; rectum alongside pallial cavity margin, partially covered by glandular complex.
Published as part of Antunes, Luís Vítor Oliveira, Figueira, Raquel & Dilnei de Castro Oliveira, Cléo, 2022, Anatomy of the pallial cavity and associated organs in three species of Olivella (Mollusca: Neogastropoda: Olividae) from Brazil, pp. 1801-1818 in Journal of Natural History 56 on pages 1810-1811, DOI: 10.1080/00222933.2022.2133645, http://zenodo.org/record/7380750
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