Performance analysis of multi-row vertical axis hydrokinetic turbine–straight blade cascaded (VAHT-SBC) turbines array

Autor: Erna Septyaningrum, Ikap Utama, Juniarko Prananda, Gunawan Nugroho, A. W. Mahmasani, Nyoman Ade Satwika, Ridho Hantoro
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Sciences; Vol 13 No 3 (2019): (September 2019); 5665-5688
ISSN: 2381-3652
Popis: Due to its high energy concentration, hydrokinetic energy from tidal and rivers flow provides great expectation. One of the effective ways to meet the energy production target is to reduce the installation and maintenance effort arranging turbines in such configuration, known as hydrokinetic turbine array. The performance of array configuration is affected by turbine position and rotational direction. This research provides a comprehensive analysis of the effect of turbine rotational direction and position on the array performance. The experimental study and URANS simulation were carried out to gain deeper information. This previous study proposed 3 side-by-side configurations, i.e. Co-rotating” (Co), “counter-rotating-in” (CtI) and “counter-rotating-out” (CtO) and the current study proposed 2 multi-row configurations, i.e. 3T-A and 3T-B. The comprehensive information is provided. Both experimental and numerical study confirmed that the velocity superposition in the interaction zone gives the constructive effect on turbine performance. All site-by-site configurations is able to enhance farm effectiveness. Co configuration is recommended to install in the resource having unpredictable flow direction. However, the CtI is for canal or river since it has better performance. The study for multi-row configuration shows that the downstream turbine has performance decrement due to the bad effect of the upstream turbine wake.
Databáze: OpenAIRE