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espanolResumen El objetivo de este estudio fue comprobar la eficacia de un programa de estimulacion cognitiva con tecnologia: PESCO MX, frente a un programa tradicional con actividades ludicas sin tecnologia, para mejorar los niveles de autoestima, autoeficacia y autonomia en adultos mayores. En esta investigacion cuasi-experimental 63 participantes fueron divididos en tres grupos de adultos mayores de tres diferentes estancias, a uno de ellos se le aplico el programa con tecnologia, a otro sin tecnologia y el tercer grupo no se le suministro ningun programa; a los tres se les tomaron dos medidas pretest y postest. Los resultados muestran una diferencia significativa en las tres variables entre el grupo con tecnologia y el grupo control, en el pretest no existe diferencia alguna. Otro hallazgo muestra diferencias significativas, para la variable de autoeficacia, entre los tres grupos; es decir, tambien se encontraron diferencias entre el grupo sin tecnologia y el grupo control, ademas de entre el grupo sin tecnologia y el grupo que utilizo el PESCO MX, siendo mas alto este ultimo. En general, la autoestima, autoeficacia y autonomia se vieron mas beneficiadas a traves de un programa de estimulacion cognitiva con tecnologia, lo que indica que este programa puede contribuir a mejorar la calidad de vida durante la vejez. Finalmente se analizaron las implicaciones teoricas y practicas de este estudio. EnglishAbstract The objective of this study was to verify the effectiveness of a cognitive stimulation programme using technology: PESCO MX in comparison to a traditional programme that used nontechnological recreational activities to improve levels of self-esteem, self-efficacy, and autonomy in older adults. In this quasi-experimental investigation, 63 participants were divided into three groups of older adults attending three different senior day-care centres. One group was treated with technology, another without technology, and the third group received no programme. All three groups were measured pre-test and post-test. The results show a significant difference in the three variables between the technology group and the control group; however, there is no difference in the pre-test results. Another finding shows significant differences between the three groups for the self-efficacy variable; differences were also found between the group that did not use technology and the control group. There was also a difference between the group without technology and the group that used the PESCO MX (the latter being higher). In general, a cognitive stimulation programme using technology benefitted self-esteem, self-efficacy, and autonomy, which indicates that this programme can contribute to improving the quality of life during old age. Finally, the theoretical and practical implications of this study were analysed. |